
This guide is intended to help an existing administrator prepare Points for an upcoming academic quarter or semester.

For new administrators, see our New Administrator Guide.

Please perform the following steps to prepare your chapter for the next term within Points.

1. End Current Quarter/Semester

Standard Reset

Using your Admin privileges, reset the current term from the Admin Panel under Manage End of Term, then Reset Academic Term. This will separate the previous term’s data so it cannot affect the next term.

Total Reset

If you would like to reset all chapter points and start afresh, reset all data from the Admin Panel under Manage End of Term, then Reset Chapter Data.

After ending the term, make sure that house points are unlocked within Manage End of Term then Lock Point Values.

Finally, save your chapter’s current spreadsheet state (if necessary) by saving a copy of your document in your Google Drive.

2. Set New Actives

Update the status of the newly inactive chapter members from the Admin Panel under Active Members.

After that, help any new members create an account by sending them the Setup Guide, along with your chapter’s invite code.