1. Basic Setup

  1. Complete Setup Guide - Members for yourself, using your chapter’s invite code
  2. Forward Setup Guide - Members, along with the chapter’s invite code, to the actives in your organization

2. Positions

House positions enable officers and chairs to distribute points and manage events within the app.

2a. Create Positions

  1. Open the main menu and select Admin Panel
  2. Select House Positions
  3. Tap New to create a new position
  4. Populate the fields as appropriate, then confirm
  5. Repeat for all house positions

2b. Assign Positions

  1. Open the main menu and select Admin Panel
  2. Select Members to Positions
  3. Select a member to make chair or officer from the table
  4. Select Add Position, choose the appropriate position, and confirm
  5. Repeat for all chairs and officers

2c. Distribute Reference